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創業:超越成功與失敗 Entrepreneurship: Beyond Success or Failure
創業不僅僅是成功與失敗的二元觀念。它是一種生活態度,一段充滿著各種體驗的旅程。真正的創業成功在於找到能夠營造身心平衡的生活方式。 追求創業精神需要勇於冒險、面對挑戰並做出艱難的決策。它需要堅韌不拔、毅力和對目標的不懈追求。然而,僅僅以財務成就或商業成果來衡量成功,可能無法完...

以終為始 / I gang med den rigtige overgang
來自台灣的藝術家兼作家豌豆芽在《以終為始》一書中,以親切不造作的對話口吻道出女性在更年期前後的想法和感受。 然而豌豆芽筆下「改變生活」的意義,並不止於傳統的生活改變,而是從#MeToo 的思辨展開並轉向新的女權主義,豌豆芽大膽的提出對於男、女平權的新觀點。...

Frederick Rickmann
Bring back the street!
We are constantly campaigning to bring back the "street" as an element of urban design. Cities and towns in times past have arranged...

Not an exceptional street
There is nothing exceptional about the architecture, yet there is something about the soul of this street in Nuremberg that is just...

Frederick Rickmann
Street Signs from East Berlin
When Germany was reunited, many of signs of the East were removed - literally. Yet here is the graphic design of East Berlin. With its...

Frederick Rickmann
Colour in Washington DC
Grand avenues of imposing marble and stone buildings form the normal international image of Washington DC. Yet within the fabric of the...

Frederick Rickmann
Lille in France is Blessed with Streets on a Human Scale
Tourists flock to Lille in the north of France, not because of any grandiose masterpiece of architecture or theme park. They come because...

Frederick Rickmann
Moray Place in Edinburgh
There are few cities in the world that have managed to create such an incredibly well functioning and harmonic city environment. All...

Frederick Rickmann
How many new towns have that?
This is not Hallstadt am See in Austria. It is Hallstadt See, the Chinese rip off of the Austrian village. A true copy in southern China...

Frederick Rickmann
Gamla Stan, Stockholm
You walk down the street. It's a cloudless day. The air is crisp. The sky is so blue that it is bordering on indigo. Then you get that...

Frederick Rickmann
Colour in Taipei
Liberty Square in Taipei is quintessentially oriental. Also quintessentially euphemistic. The monumental Democracy Stairway on the right...

Frederick Rickmann
This used to be one of the main streets in Bangkok.
A bit too heavy-handed for a light transport system. Today we have a generation of architects that have seen their own work torn down...
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