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Frederick Rickmann
The right product at the WRONG time
It's exciting to be a front-runner. But frustrating as well. The right product at the WRONG time is a dilemma that haunts many a...

Judy Huang
The Pillars of the Earth
《上帝之柱》The Pillars of the Earth(作者:Ken Follett 肯・弗雷特)中文版2018年5月在台灣重新再版,據說這套書全球熱賣二千六百萬冊並改編成影集,名為「聖殿春秋」。 我閱讀的是舊版三冊一套,這套書曾在我對前途感到迷茫、找不到出口、覺得厭...

Frederick Rickmann
A place to live
London has been a very densely populated city for centuries. But the striking thing about London is that round almost every corner you...

Frederick Rickmann
The street as a generator of wealth
When a city design gets it right it becomes a generator of well-being. It can be just a great place to live. It can have just the right...

An electric Christmas
Christmas has to be fun. The happiness factor has to be a part of your winter season. So it was natural to see how sustainability and...
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