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Frederick Rickmann
The right product at the WRONG time
It's exciting to be a front-runner. But frustrating as well. The right product at the WRONG time is a dilemma that haunts many a...

Judy Huang
The Pillars of the Earth
《上帝之柱》The Pillars of the Earth(作者:Ken Follett 肯・弗雷特)中文版2018年5月在台灣重新再版,據說這套書全球熱賣二千六百萬冊並改編成影集,名為「聖殿春秋」。 我閱讀的是舊版三冊一套,這套書曾在我對前途感到迷茫、找不到出口、覺得厭...

Frederick Rickmann
A place to live
London has been a very densely populated city for centuries. But the striking thing about London is that round almost every corner you...

An electric Christmas
Christmas has to be fun. The happiness factor has to be a part of your winter season. So it was natural to see how sustainability and...

友善地球最好的方式 The best way to be earth-friendly
友善地球最好的方式是再利用reuse。 其次才是資源回收recycle。 有一次回媽媽家一起用餐。用餐完後收拾外賣的包裝材料時。媽媽本著節約的家庭主婦的精神,手裡一直握著一個裝外賣的塑膠袋望著收拾的東西問:還有什麼東西可以裝進塑膠袋再丟掉,不然直接把髒塑膠袋丟棄,太可惜了。...

Frederick Rickmann
How to think forward when your AI is thinking backwards
In today's fast-changing world of product creation, innovation always seems to be the name of the game. In most boardrooms you will hear...

Judy Huang
「我的孩子從小就愛畫畫是不是應該儘早開始培養他成為設計師?」這句話我不知道聽了多少遍,今天我們就來談談設計和畫畫之間的差異,提供為孩子未來發展煩心的父母們、正計畫未來職涯的年輕學子在踏上設計科系前的評估、參考。 三、五歲的小孩喜歡塗鴨是一件再正常不過的事,這段期間甚至到青春...

Frederick Rickmann
Corona Killer
It has been described as a quantum leap in robots that can disinfect against viruses and bacteria in the air and on surfaces using UV-C...

Frederick Rickmann
World Happiness Report 2023 and good design
The latest World Happiness Report gives the Scandinavian countries the top ratings. Finland first place and then Denmark, Iceland, Norway...

Frederick Rickmann
The new ChatGPT is my latest intern
ChatGPT is a new kind of digital text generator that is supposed to create text and information. It has been making quite a stir in...

A talk from the founder of STEENSSEN, Frederick Rickmann
STEENSSEN products are built solidly on my three decades of designing loudspeakers and hifi electronics. My design company - DNgroup have...

Bathing in bubbly - champagne again
For every design award we win at DN, we crack open a bottle of good champagne. That's a tradition we have had for several years....
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