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A talk from the founder of STEENSSEN, Frederick Rickmann
STEENSSEN products are built solidly on my three decades of designing loudspeakers and hifi electronics. My design company - DNgroup have...

Frederick Rickmann
A STEENSSEN isn't at Stradivarios – yet
The Stradivari family in Italy were violin builders in the 17th and 18th century. The violins they crafted are considered some of the...

Frederick Rickmann
As they move away from the "headphone generation" many couples are re-discovering that listening to music out loud together is really a...

A timeless design classic, 29 years on
No less than 29 years ago, the loudspeaker called Facette was designed for Dynaudio by Frederick Rickmann - the founder of STEENSSEN. It...

Frederick Rickmann
We want to make a difference by being different. Come and join us
Our world needs change. Yet changing things for the better can be really challenging. At STEENSSEN we can see that society needs to...

Frederick Rickmann
Dark Side of the Moon
In January 2019, a robotic rover called Chang'e 4 (嫦娥四號) soft-landed on the side of the moon that we cannot see from earth. An...

Frederick Rickmann
Keeping the tide back
Waves of progress always come crashing in on every product development. They come at a regular pace, just like the sea. In STEENSSEN we...

Frederick Rickmann
Have you ever wondered about the sound of bees busily at work across a bed of blossoms? The latest buzz from bees is that flowers not...

Frederick Rickmann
Green AIR
It is no bad thing that life will NOT go back to being normal again. Normal was a time of pollution, stressful lifestyles, obesity,...

Frederick Rickmann
The long and winding road - that leads to your door
That old evergreen lyric from Lennon and McCartney seems to describe well the long and winding road that the STEENSSEN NEO XX has been...

Frederick Rickmann
ACTION - we can rock you
It is one of those wonderful paradoxes that the newest technology is often tested in relation to the past. This is certainly true of the...

Frederick Rickmann
Disney, Chaplin and sound
Even from the very start of film-making, pioneers realized that sound was a completely essential part of the experience of watching a...
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