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Frederick Rickmann
Corona and the Climate
Through the thick fog of today's politics and the blurry picture of fake and real news there is a golden thread emerging. You could...

Frederick Rickmann
We want to make a difference by being different. Come and join us
Our world needs change. Yet changing things for the better can be really challenging. At STEENSSEN we can see that society needs to...

Frederick Rickmann
After the pandemic
In the aftermath of the global virus, the old "normal" just does not exist anymore. So we cannot simply "go back to normal". The streets...

為什麼網站建置完成後看不到成效?Why can't I see results after the website is built?
讀者寫信來:「為什麼我們公司的網站建置完成後看不到成效?」 一問之下,發現其網站在十五年前建置完成,之後一直沒有更新,主要原因是他們公司銷售的產品和服務是企業客製化的工業產品,老闆認為網站沒有必要更新。近幾年業績衰退不斷檢討,才發現自家網站無法被主要搜尋引擎用關鍵字找到。...

Frederick Rickmann
What do ACTION and Buddhist monks have in common?
The traditional material for casting bells is bronze. The metal is a mixture of copper and tin and it is used because of its durability...

Frederick Rickmann
Colour in Washington DC
Grand avenues of imposing marble and stone buildings form the normal international image of Washington DC. Yet within the fabric of the...

Frederick Rickmann
Dark Side of the Moon
In January 2019, a robotic rover called Chang'e 4 (嫦娥四號) soft-landed on the side of the moon that we cannot see from earth. An...

Frederick Rickmann
Lille in France is Blessed with Streets on a Human Scale
Tourists flock to Lille in the north of France, not because of any grandiose masterpiece of architecture or theme park. They come because...

Frederick Rickmann
ACTION - time traveller
Can you really have a timeless product that constantly needs to be updated? Technology right now, is changing and constantly introducing...

想要進行全球跨境電子商務嗎?創新和新思維是成功的關鍵。丹麥DN帝山諾可幫助您成功實現跨境貿易,是一個不可或缺的合作夥伴。 幾年前,我們收到了來自歐洲和台灣的客戶的幾個開發案,他們希望我們的服務能夠涵蓋跨境貿易,客戶需要經由品牌創新進行策略化的電子商務諮詢。正是因為最初客戶的...

Frederick Rickmann
Keeping the tide back
Waves of progress always come crashing in on every product development. They come at a regular pace, just like the sea. In STEENSSEN we...

Frederick Rickmann
Long gone are the days when street art was synonymous with graffiti and condemned as vandalism. A new group of people who identify...
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