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Frederick Rickmann
This used to be one of the main streets in Bangkok.
A bit too heavy-handed for a light transport system. Today we have a generation of architects that have seen their own work torn down...

Frederick Rickmann
Touch wood!
The old English expression, "touch wood" is usually used when you want to avoid bad luck or to avoid your plans going wrong. For example,...

BLUE is the way to GREEN 藍是走向綠的途徑
BLUE and other shapes 2《藍和其它形狀 2》是一本能夠讓你我共同思考我們如何在城市中生活的書。正如書名所示BLUE and other shapes 2是2019年首刷出版的BLUE and other shapes一書修訂再版。由於BLUE and...

How far to your favourite café 你最喜歡的咖啡館距離多遠?
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