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Frederick Rickmann
The street as a generator of wealth
When a city design gets it right it becomes a generator of well-being. It can be just a great place to live. It can have just the right...

Frederick Rickmann
The new ChatGPT is my latest intern
ChatGPT is a new kind of digital text generator that is supposed to create text and information. It has been making quite a stir in...

Frederick Rickmann
Bring back the street!
We are constantly campaigning to bring back the "street" as an element of urban design. Cities and towns in times past have arranged...

Not an exceptional street
There is nothing exceptional about the architecture, yet there is something about the soul of this street in Nuremberg that is just...

Frederick Rickmann
Street Signs from East Berlin
When Germany was reunited, many of signs of the East were removed - literally. Yet here is the graphic design of East Berlin. With its...

Frederick Rickmann
Corona and the new shape of cities
Quite suddenly, under the corona crisis, our city streets have been rediscovered. Traffic has vanished in the lock-downs and people have...

Frederick Rickmann
Colour in Washington DC
Grand avenues of imposing marble and stone buildings form the normal international image of Washington DC. Yet within the fabric of the...

Frederick Rickmann
Lille in France is Blessed with Streets on a Human Scale
Tourists flock to Lille in the north of France, not because of any grandiose masterpiece of architecture or theme park. They come because...

Frederick Rickmann
Gamla Stan, Stockholm
You walk down the street. It's a cloudless day. The air is crisp. The sky is so blue that it is bordering on indigo. Then you get that...

BLUE is the way to GREEN 藍是走向綠的途徑
BLUE and other shapes 2《藍和其它形狀 2》是一本能夠讓你我共同思考我們如何在城市中生活的書。正如書名所示BLUE and other shapes 2是2019年首刷出版的BLUE and other shapes一書修訂再版。由於BLUE and...

Frederick Rickmann
A walk around the newest neighbourhood of Aarhus, the second biggest city of Denmark, offers not only award winning architectural sights...

Frederick Rickmann
Renovation of the old Port of Leith, Edinburgh
#OldPortOfLeith #Edinburgh #renovation #UK #愛丁堡 #TheGreenGoodDesignAward #iFDesignAward #SDGTechAward #SkiftIDEAAward...
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