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Frederick Rickmann
Reflections on the past
From inside the huge glass ART cube in central Stuttgart, the classic architecture of another age springs to life. Go to the restaurant...

Judy Huang
The Power of Laughter 一笑解千愁
We can’t live seriously every day, but if you don’t have a sense of humor, it is better to train yourself be able to bring laughs to the...

Frederick Rickmann
A walk around the newest neighbourhood of Aarhus, the second biggest city of Denmark, offers not only award winning architectural sights...

Frederick Rickmann
Renovation of the old Port of Leith, Edinburgh
#OldPortOfLeith #Edinburgh #renovation #UK #愛丁堡 #TheGreenGoodDesignAward #iFDesignAward #SDGTechAward #SkiftIDEAAward...

Frederick Rickmann
Clean AIR - a fresh generation
There is a fresh mindset for the new generation. We want a clean planet. We want clean health. We want a clean lifestyle. There is not...

Frederick Rickmann
Thought Activation
Research has shown that each individual brain has a unique thought pattern identity. NP8 researches totally new technology for...

Sound Hub virksomhed vil bringe produktionen tilbage til Struer
Offentliggjort den 18. maj 2021 Af STRUER LYDENS BY “Jeg tror, det er tid til at bringe produktionen tilbage til Europa og især til...

Frederick Rickmann
The cutting-edge is always slippy
Patience is a virtue they say. But being impatient to get things done is also a strong driving force. Also in this case. Our STEENSSEN...

Thinking Urban
AFR ThinkingUrban transforms an old railway yard into a green revitalized,
with low CO2 emission levels parkway that enhances an eco-friendly style of living Published on June 17, 2021 By Global Design News...

Who doesn’t have sleepless nights?
Published on 14. January 2020 By City of Sound The fact that you are reading this story right now is a testament to how newsworthy it is...

“Danish design doesn’t have to be expensive, it just has to be good”
Pulished on 2. January 2020 By City of Sound Frederick Rickmann is a man with a plan. He set out on a mission to show the world what...

Frederick Rickmann
Music While Eating is Really Healthy
It might seem so obvious. A kind of common sense that everyone knows. Yet there are terabytes of data being produced by very learned...
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